(American b. 1983) is a multi-media artist, curator and designer who lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. He teaches currently teaches at Lehman College and Sarah Lawrence College.


2014 RhodeIsland School of Design | Providence, RI | Master of Fine Arts,Painting
2008 Universityof California, Davis | Davis, CA | Bachelor of Arts, Painting


2024 Stowaway Gallery | TheRum Point Club| Los Angeles, CA
2024 SPRING/BREAK | Floraof the Cayman Islands| Artist Solo Spotlight Series | Los Angeles, CA
2021 SPRING/BREAK | Gather Rusted Satellites w/ Tristram Lansdowne | New York, NY |curated by Amanda Nedham
2018 Below Grand Gallery | BakedAlaska and Birthday Cake| New York, NY
2017 LamarDodd School of Art | Lead-Based,Paper Tiger |Athens,GA
2016 SisterGallery | Lead-Based| Brooklyn,NY


2024 SomeTechnological Devine| curated by Sophia Sobers, Steven Pestana, and Laura Horne | ActiveSpace Gallery | Brooklyn, NY
2024 TemporaryDust, Disposable Dreams| curated by Hao Ni | Tapei, Taiwan
2023 ArtShenzen 2023| Crossing Gallery | Shenzhen, China
2022 ContextArt Miami | Crossing Art Gallery | Miami, FL
2022 Metafiguration| Tops Gallery | Memphis, TN | curated by Kevin Ford and Sean McElroy
2022 Showingin Four Dimensions |ABNY Gallery | East Hampton, NY
2022 BeijingContemporary Art Expo | Crossing Art Gallery | Beijing, China
2022 TheLand Before Me| Crossing Art Gallery | New York, NY
2021 RISDMuseum | RISD Faculty Show | Providence, RI
2021 AustrianCultural Forum + Undercurrent Gallery | Unmute 10002 | New York, NY |curated by Daina Mattis and Melinda Wang
2020 HighNoon Gallery | Friends with Benefits | New York, NY
2020 CoherentGallery | APearl Laser on the Gothic Holodeck| Brussels, Belgium | curated by Andew Woolbright
2020 25Kent, Wallplay | ARomantic Comedy| New York, NY | curated by Steven Pestana and Sophia Sobers
2019 PS122 | Dynasty| New York, NY | curated by Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Amy Goldrich,
ChristopherK. Ho, and Sara Reisman
2019 68Jay Street | Consumption| New York, NY | curated by Kristen Racaniello
2019 TheMidnight Society | ForcedCollaboration| Lyme, CT | curated by Jacob Rhodes
2019 ArlingtonArt Center | TransitionalObjects| Arlington, VA | curated by Blair Murphy
2019 IndexArt Center | New& Improved| Newark, NJ | curated by Sophie Sobers
2018 TransferGallery | CarpTheory| New York, NY | curated by Irina Makarova
2018 Spring/Break| TheLast Equestrian Portrait| New York, NY
2017 TallNon-Fat Raspberry Mocha Latte| New York, NY | curated by Hao Ni and Amanda Nedham
2016 BostonCenter of the Arts, Mills Gallery | Boston, MA | FertileSolitude | curatedby Elizabeth Devlin
2016 Project:ARTSpace | New York, NY | MakingProgress | curatedby Liz Aztberger and Kevin Curran
2016 GregoryKondos Gallery | Sacramento, CA |100Years, 100 Artists | curatedby Chris Daubert
2015 OntarioCollege of Art and Design | Toronto, ON | Realized
2015 LilacSummer Art Series | New York, NY | Summer2015
2015 OntarioCollege of Art and Design | Toronto, ON | Project31 Auction
2014 TheGelman Gallery | Providence, RI | NewContemporaries
2014 NancyMargolis Gallery | New York, NY | RISDMFA Painting
2014 TheNew York Design Center | New York, NY | NewTalent
2014 RhodeIsland Convention Center | Providence, RI | RISDGraduate Thesis Exhibition
2014 TheGelman Gallery | Providence, RI | TheReading Room
2013 WoodsGehry Building | Providence, RI | PaintingBiennial
2013 Gallery200 | Brooklyn, NY | AtYour Leisure | curatedby Mashinka Firunts
2012 TheGelman Gallery | Providence, RI | TheBody Show
2012 SolKoffler Gallery | Providence, RI | PaintingBiennial
2011 PenceGallery | Davis, CA | TouchingBase,curated by Robin Hill
2011 WebsterHall | New York, NY | QuarterlyArt Soiree
2010 PS122| New York, NY | Semiospectacle,curated by Mashinka Firunts

2014 OntarioCollege of Art and Design | Digital Painting Atelier | ResidentStipend
RhodeIsland School of Design | Graduate Studies Grant
2013 RhodeIsland School of Design | Roger and Gayle Mendel Scholarship
RhodeIsland School of Design | Graduate Fellowship


2021 Un/mute10002 | Undercurrent Gallery in collaboration with the AustrianCultural Forum, New York
2018 WassiacSummer Residency Program
2015 OntarioCollege of Art and Design | Digital Painting Atelier


2019 BelowGrand Gallery | ShadowBrokers| New York, NY | co-curated with Amanda Nedham
BelowGrand Gallery | 30,000Pressings| New York, NY | co-curated with Amanda Nedham
2018 BelowGrand Gallery | I'myer Virgil | NewYork, NY | co-curated with Amanda Nedham
Spring/Break| TheLast Equestrian Portrait | NewYork, NY | curated with Amanda Nedham
2016 Warehouse421| Abu Dhabi, UAE | SEAFMaster Crit, Cohort #3, curatedwtih Khulood Al Atiyat
2015 Warehouse411| Abu Dhabi, UAE | Processand Practice,curated with Anais Missakian
2013 TheGelman Gallery | Providence, RI | Arcof Alchemy,curated with Amanda Nedham
2009 92YTribeca | New York, NY | SarahSmall: The Delirium Deconstructions
2008 The1050 Loft | Sacramento, CA | Proprietor/Director


JenniferJ. Lee's Ghostly Familiarity| Two Coats of Paint | May 2023
Showingin Four Dimensions |Carson Wos | Art Spiel | July 2022
Witha Medieval Flair, SpringBreak Celebrates the Eccentric| Hrag Vartanian | Hyperallergic | September 2021
ARomantic Comedy hosted by Wallplay| Etty Yaniv | Art Spiel | March 2020
FollowLove Stories at this Massive Exhibit | Shaye Weaver | Timeout NY | March 2020
APearl Laser on the Gothic Holodeck at Coherent Gallery,Art Viewer, March 2020
ShadowBrokers| Super Dutchess Gallery | w/ Amanda Nedham | July 2019
TransitionalObjects |Blair Murphy | Arlington Arts Center Catalogue | June 2019
FreeWilliamsburg| Digital Edition | 6Hottest Shows in Williamsburg Right Now| June 2018
SpringBreak Part Two: The City and the City |Explain Me | Paddy Johnson and William Powhida | March 2018
TheLast Equestrian Portrait| SPRING/BREAK 2018 | w/ Amanda Nedham | January 2018
Alt+Esc| Vol 7 | Digital Edition | KyleHittmeier| November 2017



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